ATMCS Developer Guide

The ATMCS is developed in LabVIEW and was written by a team at CTIO. Prior to consulting information on this page it is strongly encouraged to read over information in the ATMCS User Guide section as it contains significant information that is applicable to developers.

As part of the deliverables of the ATMCS CSC is a Developers Guide , but the team also included a series of technotes that were written while building the system as well as a list of reference materials (e.g. controller manuals) for the various components.


This page is still under development.



Build and Test


Building the Documentation

The following commands can be issued from inside the docs folder to build the documentation. It is expected that this in run from inside the standard TSSW Docker development container.

package-docs clean && package-docs build


Code and documentation contributions utilize pull-requests on github. Feature requests can be made by filing a Jira ticket with the ATMCS label. In all cases, reaching out to the contacts for this CSC is recommended.